

Interactive effect of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism and environmental factors on physical development among adolescents

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨维生素D受体(VDR)基因遗传多态性与环境交互作用对青少年体能发育影响。方法 随机抽取浙江省绍兴市17~18周岁青少年212名进行体格检查及问卷调查,对VDR基因进行PCR扩增,采用基因测序技术检测基因多态性,以多分类有序Logistic模型分析体能发育的影响因素和交互作用。结果 维生素D受体基因Bs-mI位点的多态性与体育锻炼存在交互作用,交互作用系数为3.208;Tru9I位点的多态性与体育锻炼、睡眠时间以及学校对体育锻炼的重视等均存在交互作用,交互作用系数分别为2.499、1.936和1.987。结论 青春期体能发育中,维生素D受体基因多态性与环境因素存在交互作用。


    Abstract: Objective To investigate interactive effect of vitam in D receptor(VDR) gene polymorphism and environment factors on physical development among adolescents.Methods To tally 212 adolescents at age of 17 to 18 years were randomly selected from senior high schools of Shaoxing city for physical examination and questionnaire survey.Polym erase chain reaction(PCR) and DNA sequencing were performed to analyze the VDR genotype.There lationship between VDR gene polymorphism and environmental factors on physical development was analyzed with ordinal logistic regression analysis.Results The results showed that the interactive effect existed in BsmI gene site polymorphism and physical exercise with an interaction index value of 3.208.The in teractive effect existed in Tru9I gene site polymorphism and physical exercise,sleeping tmie,the importance of physical exercise advocated by the school with the interaction index value of 2.499,1.936,and 1.987,respectively.Conclusion VDR gene polymorphism and environment factors show an interactive effect on physical development among adole scents.


