Objective To investigate the characteristics of liver function and serumlipid among patientswith fatty liver and to explore the relationship between them.
Methods Liver function and serumlipid of 225 patients with fatty liver were compared with those of 187 normal controls, and the correlation between liver fuction and serumlipid was analyzed with Pearson analysis.
Results The a lanine amino transferase(ALT)(49.49±42.87 U/L), aspartate amino transferase(AST)(29.88±15.08 U/L), total cholesterol(TC)(5.06±0.92 mmol/L), triglyceride(TG)(1.96±1.44 mmol/L), and lowdensity lipoprotein chole sterol(LDL-c)(3.33±0.74 mmol/L) of the fatty liver group were significantly higher than those of the control group.While AST/A LT(0.76±0.40) and high density lipopro teincholesterol(HDL-c)(1.30±0.25 mmol/L) were signif icantly lower(
P < 0.005).Correlation analysis showed that in the fatty liver group, TC was positively corre lated with total protein(TP) and album in(AL B); TG was positively corre lated with AST, TP, ALB,GLB; LDL-c was positively correlated with AST/ALT.
Conclusion Liver function and serumlipid characters of the patients with fatty liver present the increased levels of ALT and AST with in the normal reference range and abnorm a lities in serumlipid index.Some indicators of liver function relate closely to serumlipids, especially TC and TG.