Objective To observe the systemic inflammatory changes of blood,endo the lial damages,and cardiov ascular effects caused by PM
Methods Thirty twomale Wistar ratsw eighted 380-470g were randomly divided into one control group and three PM
10 exposed groups.PM
10 were administered to the rats by intra tracheal in stillation at the doses of 5,15,45m g/kg·bw,respectively.The rats were sacr ificed 24 hours a fter the treamtent.The number of blood cells and the levels of IL-6,TNF-α,hypersensitive Creactive prote in(hs-CRP),nitricoxide and Von Willebrand factor in the serum were deter mined.
Results The number of white blood cells,the percentage of neutrophils,the levels of IL-6,and hs-CRP in the serum increased significantly in all the PM
10 treated rats.TNF-α level in the serum increased markedly in 15 and 45mg/kg PM
10 treated rats.No significant change was found in the levels of nitricoxide and Von Willebrand factor in the serum of PM
10 treated rats.
Conclusion The study showed that PM
10 can cause systemic inflammation.However,there is no significant change in the blood indices for endothelial injury.