Objective To investigate physical fitness status and its influence on the blood pressure level among adults in Liaoning province,and to provide information for prevention and control of hypertension.
Methods A total of 5 817 adults aged 20-69 years from three settings of the Third China's Nationa1 Physica1 Fitness Surveillance of Liaoning province(Shenyang,Dandong,and Chaoyang city)were selected by using stratified random sampling method.Age groups of adult A(20-39 years),adult B(40-59 years)and elder(60-69 years)were defined.Parameters of anthropometry,physiological function and physical constitution were determined.
Results The prevalence of normal blood pressure,high normal blood pressure and hypertension were 58.1%,17.0%,and 24.9% among the adults aged 20-69 years in Liaoning province.The ratio of physical indexes reaching the national fitness standards for the adults with the normal blood pressure,high normal blood pressure,and hypertension were 80.4%,61.2% and 58.3% for the adults of group A,82.2%,76.4%,and 75.3% for the adults of group B,and 91.7%,88.9%,and 84.3% for the elder adults,respectively.For the aduts of group A,the ratio of physical indexes reaching the national fitness standards for adults with the normal blood pressure was significantly higher than that of adults with the high normal blood pressure and hypertension(
P<0.01).For the adults in group B and elder group,the ratio of physical indexes reaching the national fitness standards for adults with the normal blood pressure were significantly higher than that of the hypertension(
P<0.01).Multiple logistic regression analysis results showed that the risk factors for high normal blood pressure were age,elevated heart rate,overweight and obesity,while the protective factors were female gender and higher step-test index.Risk factors for hypertension were age,higher heart rate,long choice reaction time,larger waist circumference,abdominal obesity,overweight and obesity,while the protective factors were female,higher vital capacity per weight,and larger step-test index.
ConclusionAmong adults,physical fitness status affects blood pressure level,and heart rate,body mass index,step-test index,waist circumference,choice reaction time,and vital capacity are main influencing factors of blood pressure.