

Prevalence of brucellosis in Suizhong county from 2004 to 2012

  • 摘要: 目的分析辽宁省绥中县布鲁氏菌病(以下简称“布病”)流行特征,为进一步做好防制工作提供科学依据。方法对绥中县2004—2012年布病疫情资料及个案流行病学调查资料进行描述性流行病学分析。结果全县共发生布病165例,无死亡,年均发病率为2.88/10万,不同年份发病率差异有统计学意义(χ2=103.96,P<0.005),2012年发病率最高;发病主要集中在西平乡、高岭镇、小庄子镇、永安乡、高台镇,占病例总数的61.21%,但疫区不断扩大;全年均可发病,3—7月较集中,占病例总数的62.42%,4月和7月形成2个发病高峰,分别占病例总数的18.18%和10.91%;病例集中在30~69岁人群,占病例总数的84.85%,农民占87.88%,学生占5.45%,男性占84.24%,女性占15.76%;37.58%的病例从发病至确诊时间>30 d,误诊误治较多;病羊为主要传染源。结论控制布病需加强政府领导、部门配合,积极采取畜间检疫、彻底淘汰病畜、免疫和宣传培训等为主的综合防治措施。


    Abstract: ObjectiveTo analyze epidemiological characteristics of brucellosis in Suizhong county of Liaoning province and to provide evidence for prevention and control of brucellosis.MethodsDescriptive epidemiologic method was adopted to analyze the epidemic data of brucellosis in Suizhong county from 2004 to 2012.ResultsA total of 165 brucellosis cases were reported,with an average annual incidence of 2.88/100 000 and without death case.There were statistically significant differences in the annual incidence rate between years(χ2=103.96,P<0.005) and a peak incidence appeared in 2012.The majority of the cases were reported in Xiping,Gaoling,Xiaozhuangzi,Yong'an,and Gaotai town,accounting for 61.21%of total cases.There were cases throughout the year but 62.42%of the cases occurred from March to July,with incidence peaks in April(18.18%of the all cases) and in July(10.91%).The most of the cases were at the age of 30-69 years,accounting for 84.85%of all cases.For all cases,87.88%were farmers,5.45%were students,84.24%were males,and 15.76%were females.About one third(37.58%) of the cases were diagnosed more than 30 days after the incident of symptoms,indicating the lag time of diagnosis and possible misdiagnosis and mistreatment.Infected sheep was a major infection source.ConclusionComprehensive prevention and control measures,such as livestock quarantine,immunization,and elimination of sick animals,and propaganda and training need to be promoted by governmental agencies and related institutions.


