

HIV incidence among men who have sex with men in Suzhou city:a cohort study

  • 摘要: 目的了解江苏省苏州市男男性行为人群(MSM)艾滋病病毒(HIV)新发感染率及新发感染相关因素。方法2010年4月—2012年12月,通过自愿咨询检测门诊、同伴转介等方式招募MSM,建立前瞻性、开放性队列,每隔6个月随访进行问卷调查和检测。结果共686名MSM纳入队列,研究对象平均年龄(30.8±8.4)岁,其中73.9%无配偶,99.2%为汉族,68.7%在本地居住时间>2年,53.6%为大专及以上文化程度。研究对象至少参加一次随访的比例为52.8%(362/686),累计随访487.0人年,HIV、梅毒发病率分别为4.93/100人年、8.25/100人年,未发现丙肝阳转病例。多因素COX比例风险回归分析结果表明,HIV感染相关因素主要有最近12个月内被诊断为性病感染(HR调整=1.77,95%CI=1.19~2.90)和最近6个月内同性肛交时不坚持使用安全套(HR调整=1.84,95%CI=1.14~2.95)。结论苏州市MSM人群新发感染率较高,性病感染和无保护同性性行为是HIV感染的危险因素。


    Abstract: ObjectiveTo assess human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)incidence and influencing factors of HIV seroconversion among men who have sex with men(MSM)in Suzhou city.MethodsMSM were enrolled at voluntary counseling and testing clinic or referred by MSM volunteers from April 2010 to December 2012.An open prospective cohort study was conducted among HIV-seronegative MSM with the follow-ups of every six months.ResultsA total of 686 MSM were enrolled in the cohort.The average age of the MSM was 30.8 years,with a range of 19-64 years;73.9% of the MSM were unmarried;99.2% were Han Chinese;68.7% lived in Suzhou more than 2 years;and 53.6% had education of college degree or above.Of the MSM,52.8%(362/686)were followed at least once after the enrollment.The incidence rates were 4.93 per 100 person-years(PY)for HIV infection and 8.25 per 100 PY for syphilis.No hepatitis C virus(HCV)seroconversion was observed.Multiple Cox regression analysis indicated that sexually transmitted infections(STIs)within recent 12 months(adjusted hazard risk(HR)=1.77,95% confidence interval(95% CI)=1.19-2.90 and inconsistent condom use in anal sex within recent 6 months(adjusted HR=1.84,95% CI=1.14-2.95)were significantly related with HIV seroconversion.ConclusionThe HIV incidence among MSM in Suzhou is high and efforts should be focused on promotion of condom use,prevention and treatment of STIs among MSM.


