

Prevalence of tobacco exposure and nicotine dependence among rural residents in Luoping county of Yunnan province

  • 摘要: 目的 了解云南省罗平县农村居民烟草暴露与尼古丁依赖现状。方法 采用按比例概率抽样方法抽取当地12个乡镇≥18岁居民4 611人进行调查。结果 罗平县农村居民吸烟和被动吸烟率分别为40.0%(1 844/4 611)和27.8%(1 281/4 611),其中男性吸烟率为79.2%,女性为1.2%,男性被动吸烟率为8.8%,女性为46.6%,男性吸烟率明显高于女性(P<0.01),而女性被动吸烟率明显高于男性(P<0.01);村民中度及以上尼古丁依赖率为51.1%,家庭种烟者和高收入者(年收入≥15 000元)的吸烟率分别为44.5%和44.1%,明显高于家庭不种烟者和低收入者的37.4%和35.4%,(P<0.01);文化程度初中及以下被动吸烟率为42.9%,高中及以上为24.1%,被动吸烟率随着文化程度的增加而减少(P<0.05);农村居民以吸过滤嘴香烟为主(63.6%),其次为水烟袋(53.4%);初次吸烟年龄主要集中在15~24岁组的青年人群(93.0%),吸烟者中在过去12个月内尝试戒烟1次的比例仅为13.4%,过去7 d内被动吸烟场所在主要集中在家里和公共场所的比例分别为97.0%和88.5%。结论 罗平县村民吸烟和被动吸烟情况较严重,应重点加强家庭种烟者、男性和低文化程度人群的控烟工作。


    Abstract: Objective To examine the prevalence of tobacco exposure and nicotine dependence among rural residents in Luoping county of Yunnan province.Methods Proportionate probability sampling(PPS) method was used to select a total of 4 611 residents aged 18 years and over from 12 townships for a questionnaire survey.Results In the study population,the overall prevalence rates of current smoking and secondhand smoke exposure(SHS) were 40.0%(1 844/4 611) and 27.8%(1 281/4 611),respectively.The males had an obviously higher prevalence of smoking than the females(79.2% vs.1.2%,P<0.01),whereas the females had an obviously higher prevalence of secondhand smoke exposure than the males(8.8% vs.46.6%,P<0.01).The rate of moderate dependence was 51.1%.Tobacco farmers and individuals with higher income(≥ 15 000 RMB yuan)had higher prevalence rates of current smoking and nicotine dependence(44.1% vs.44.5%) than non-tobacco farmers and individuals with lower income(37.4% vs.35.4%,P<0.01).The prevalence of SHS exposure decreased with educational level(P<0.01).Most tobacco users(93.0%) reported initiating smoking during the adolescence age between 15-24 years.Filtered cigarette smoking was the most popular form of tobacco smoking(63.6%),followed by hookah/water pipe(53.4%).During the 12 months before the survey,only 13.4% of smokers tried at least one attempt to quit smoking.In the previous seven days before the survey,97.0% of the smokers smoked in public places,and 88.5% smoked in workplaces.Conclusion Smoking and exposure to SHS are very prevalent among residents in Luoping county.Future tobacco control interventions should be focused much more on tobacco farmers,males and less educated individuals.


