

Validity and reliability of WHOQOL-BREF Scale among nurses with night shift

  • 摘要: 目的对中文版世界卫生组织生存质量测定量表简表(WHOQOL-BREF)应用于夜班护士健康生命质量评价时的信度和效度进行验证。方法采用整群随机抽样方法对在天津市1所三级甲等医院抽取的385名夜班护士进行中文版WHOQOL-BREF问卷调查;采用分半信度、Cronbach's α系数和各领域得分与总分间的相关系数评价量表的信度,采用内容效度、区分效度、结构效度和判别效度评价量表的效度。结果中文版WHOQOL-BREF量表的分半信度和Cronbach's α系数分别为0.77和0.91;生理、心理、社会关系和环境4个领域的分半信度为0.61~0.72,Cronbach's α系数为0.75~0.78,各领域得分与总分的相关系数为0.72~0.84(P<0.001),量表的内部一致性较好;除生理领域外,每个条目与所属领域总分的相关系数均>0.50,且高于该条目与其他领域的相关系数(P<0.001),量表具有较好的内容效度和区分效度;因子分析结果表明,24个条目在提取的6个公因子中的分布与量表的理论结构假设大体一致,方差累积贡献率为60.76%,量表具有较好的结构效度;不同年龄、工作年限、文化程度夜班护士生理和心理领域得分不同(P<0.01),量表具有良好的判别效度。结论中文版WHOQOL-BREF量表具有较好的信度和效度,适用于夜班护士健康生命质量的评价。


    Abstract: Objective To evaluate the validity and reliability of World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale-Abbreviatd Version(WHOQOL-BREF) among nurses with night shift.Methods Cluster random sampling method was used to select one grade A class III-hospital in Tianjin city and all the nurses with night shift in the hospital (385 nurses in all) were investigated with WHOQOL-BREF.Split-half reliability,Cronbach's α coefficient and the correlation coefficient between score of domain and total score were used to evaluate the reliability of the scale; content validity,discriminated validity,and construct validity were used to evaluate the validity of the scale.Results Split-half reliability of WHOQOL-BREF was 0.77 and the overall Cronbach's coefficients of scale was 0.91.The split-half reliability of physical,psychological,social,and environment domain was 0.614-0.723,and the Cronbach's α coefficient was 0.722-0.835(P<0.001).WHOQOL-BREF showed good internal consistency.The correlations between each item and its domain were greater than 0.50(P<0.001) and they were greater than the correlation between the item and other domains,except for the physical domain,which demonstrated that WHOQOL-BREF had good content validity and discriminatory validity.The results of factor analyses showed that six principal components extracted from the items representing all domains of the scale and the cumulative variance was 60.76%,which demonstrated the scale had good construct validity.The nurses with different age,work experience,education level had different scores in physical and psychological domain.Conclusion WHOQOL-BREF has good reliability and validity and is applicable for the evaluation of quality of life among nurses with night shift.


