

Hypertension-related knowledge and its influencing factor among residents in Nantong city

  • 摘要: 目的 了解江苏省南通市居民对高血压健康相关知识的知晓情况及其影响因素,为高血压的预防控制提供参考依据。方法 采用分层整群抽样方法对在南通市4个社区抽取的1 463名≥18岁居民进行高血压健康相关知识问卷调查。结果 南通市居民高血压健康相关知识知晓率为33.83%,男性和女性居民知晓率分别为35.91%和31.80%;其中对35岁开始每年测量1次血压、高血压诊断标准、危险因素、并发症、控制方法的知晓率分别为33.56%、46.34%、62.03%、60.08%、34.32%;多因素logistic回归分析结果表明,年龄45~54岁、初中及以上文化程度和轻度运动强度的居民高血压健康相关知识知晓率较高;在婚和不在婚、专业技术人员及工人、个体经营者、农民及其他职业居民的高血压健康相关知识知晓率较低。结论 南通市居民高血压健康相关知识知晓率偏低,年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、职业、运动方式是南通市居民高血压健康相关知识知晓率的影响因素。


    Abstract: Objective To examine hypertension-related knowledge and its influencing factors among residents in Nantong city.Methods Totally 1 500 residents over age of 18 years in Nantong city were selected with stratified cluster sampling in July 2010 and investigated on hypertension-related knowledge with a questionnaire.Results The overall rate of hypertension-related knowledge was 32.83%(35.91% in male and 31.80% in female).The awares rate was 33.56% for measuring blood pressure at least one time a year after the age of 35 years,46.34% for diagnostic criteria of hypertension,62.03% for risk factors,60.08% for complications,and 34.32% for treatment of hypertension,respectively.Multi-variate logistic analysis showed that the influencing factors of the hypertension-related kngwledge were age,education,marital status,occupation,and pattern of physical excercise.Conclusion The hypertension-related knowledge is poor in residents of Nantong,especially for residents with low education and living in rural areas.


