

Screening of key techniques for public health emergency management based on TOPSIS method

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨运用TOPSIS法筛选突发公共卫生事件应急处置关键技术,针对基层卫生应急工作的薄弱环节进行关键技术开发研究,提高基层卫生应急关键能力。方法 在文献研究和现场调查研究的基础上构建应急关键技术清单,运用德尔菲专家咨询法及TOPSIS法筛选卫生应急关键技术。结果 筛选并确定了对于卫生应急系统具有至关重要作用的9大类共59项关键技术,其中包括传染病的现场事件调查技术等11项,不明原因疾病的现场事件调查技术等8项,食物中毒的事件接报处理技术等8项,职业中毒的事件报告技术等5项,环境污染的风险沟通技术等4项,群体性事件的风险沟通技术等4项,核和辐射事件的个人防护技术等5项,大型活动保障的现场医学救援技术等6项,医学救援事件的现场医学救援技术等8项。结论 研究中筛选的关键技术具有重要的理论和基层卫生应急实践应用价值。


    Abstract: Objective To select key techniques for public health emergency management with technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution(TOPSIS) method for the improvement of capability for public health emergency management.Methods The list of key techniques was established based on literature research and field investigation and Delphi expert consultation and TOPSIS method was adopted in key technique screening.Results Totally 59 key techniques of 9 categories for public health emergency were selected,with 11 techniques in field investigation of infectious disease,8 techniques in field investigation of unexplained disease,8 techniques in processing of food poisoning report,5 techniques in processing of occupational poisoning report,4 techniques in risk communication for environmental pollution event,4 techniques in risk communication for mass event,5 techniques in personal protection for nuclear and radiation emergency,6 techniques in emergency medical rescue for large-scale public activity,and 8 techniques in field emergency medical rescue.Conclusion TOPSIS method is valuable in the screening of key techniques for public health emergency management.


