Associations of physical activity and obesity with mental health among middle school students in Xuzhou,Jiangsu province
摘要: 目的 了解江苏省徐州市中学生体力活动及肥胖和心理健康现状,探讨体力活动、肥胖、心理健康三者的相互关系。方法 采取整群随机抽样方法,获取徐州市区10所中学共5 730名中学生有效问卷和人体测量数据,使用儿童抑郁量表(CDI)、儿童焦虑相关情绪筛查量表(SCARED)和自行设计调查问卷进行调查,使用χ2检验和多因素logistic回归模型对数据进行分析。结果 徐州市区中学生肥胖发生率为12.3%,抑郁症状发生率为17.5%,焦虑症状发生率为27.7%,参加中等强度体力活动、大强度体力活动及体力活动缺乏的比例分别为13.6%、32.2%和63.2%;调整人口统计学和视频时间、肥胖变量后,体力活动缺乏增加抑郁症状(OR=1.18,95%CI==1.02~1.37)和焦虑症状(OR=1.15,95%CI==1.01~1.30)的发生风险;初中学生中体力活动缺乏增加肥胖和抑郁症状发生的联系(OR=1.50,95%CI==1.11~2.04)。结论 徐州市中学生体力活动缺乏、肥胖与心理健康关系密切相关,初中学生体力活动不足增加了肥胖和抑郁症状之间的联系。Abstract: Objective To describe the associations of physical activity(PA)and obesity with mental health among middle school students in in Xuzhou,Jiangsu province.Methods A total of 5 730 boys and girls were selected from 10 middle schools with randomly clustering sampling and surveyed with a questionnaire and physical examination. Depressive symptoms of the students were assessed using Children's Depression Inventory(CDI)and their anxiety symptoms were assessed with the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders(SCARED).Self-reported PA and other sociodemographic information were also assessed.Descriptive statistics and logistic regression model were used.Results The prevalence rate of obesity was 12.3%;the prevalence rate of depressive symptoms was 17.5%,and that of anxiety symptoms was 27.7%.Among the adolescents,self-reported rates of participating in moderate,vigorous, and insufficient PA were 13.6%,32.2%,and 63.2%,respectively.After adjusting for screen time,obesity and other potential confounders,insufficient PA was positively associated with depressive(odds ratio[OR]=1.18,95% confidence interval[CI=]:1.02-1.37)and anxiety symptoms(OR=1.15,95% CI:1.01-1.30).Insufficient PA as a moderate factor enhanced the association between obesity and depressive symptoms in junior high school students with the OR from 1.33 to 1.50.Conclusion Insufficient PA and obesity were closely related to the prevalence of mental health among middle school students in Xuzhou.Insufficient PA moderated the association between obesity and depressive symptoms in junior high school students.
- physical activity /
- obesity /
- depressive symptom /
- anxiety symptom /
- multivariate analysis /
- moderate effect /
- adolescent
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