Analysis on road traffic injuries in Guilin city using inverse distance weighted interpolation method
摘要: 目的 探讨广西桂林市2000-2009年道路交通伤害(RTI)死亡的地理分布和集中趋势,为预防和减少RTI的发生提供科学依据.方法 以桂林市电子地图为背景,利用ArcGIS9.2地统计分析模块中的反距离加权(IDW)插值法绘制桂林市RTI死亡的分布地图.结果 2000-2009年桂林市秀峰区、叠彩区、象山区、七星区和雁山区发生RTI合计3603次,死亡506例,受伤2911例,直接经济损失为1011.2万元;2000-2008年每年发生RTI次数均以象山区最多,2009年以七星区最多;2000-2004年桂林市RTI造成的死亡人数以雁山区和象山区最多;2005-2006年以叠彩区、象山区和雁山区较多;2007-2009年以七星区、象山区和雁山区较多;2000-2009年桂林市RTI死亡人数分布的IDW插值结果表明,RTI导致的死亡人数以雁山区最多,其次为象山区.结论 2000-2009年桂林市RTI导致的死亡人数以雁山区最多;IDW插值法制图结果较为可信.Abstract: Objective To explore the geographical distribution and prevalence trend of death caused by road traffic injuries in Guilin city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region from 2000 to 2009,and to provide scientific evidence for control and prevention of road traffic injury.Methods A distribution map of death caused by road traffic injuries in Guilin city was compiled with inverse distance weighted interpolation method using ArcGIS 9.2,taking the electronic map of Guilin city as a background.Results The map reflected accurately the geographical distribution and prevalence trend of death caused by road traffic injuries in Guilin city.Conclusion The map drawn with inverse distance weighted interpolation method is reliable,convenient,and feasible.