

Analysis of drug resistance surveillance of tuberculosis in Fujian province

  • 摘要: 目的 通过开展福建省结核病耐药监测点监测,了解结核病耐药状况,为制订结核病控制对策提供依据。方法 对福建省9个设区市的9个监测点2008年9月-2009年8月门诊新登记涂阳患者分离的结核分枝杆菌复合群,采用WHO/IUATLD推荐的比例法进行异烟肼、链霉素、利福平和乙胺丁醇耐药性检测。结果 共1 014例病例纳入监测分析,总体耐药率为19.8%,耐多药率为4.6%,其中初始耐药率为17.9%,初始耐多药率为3.4%,获得性耐药率为44.0%,获得性耐多药率为20.0%。结论 福建省结核病耐药监测点耐药率低于全国平均水平,但高于国际平均水平,今后仍要进一步加强耐药结核病的防治工作。


    Abstract: Objective To access the situation of drug-resistance tuberculosis in Fujian province and to provide evidence for making TB control policy.Methods All new registered sputum smear-positive patients in 9 surveillance sites of Fujian province were collected from September 2008 to August 2009.Identification and susceptibility tests were done for all culture positive samples.Proportion method was used to conduct drug sensitivity test of isonizid,rifampicin,streptomycin,and ethambutol according to the guidelines for surveillance of drug resistance(DR) in tuberculosis of WHO/IUATLD.Results Totally 1 014 TB cases were enrolled.The total DR rate was 19.8% and total multi-drug resistance(MDR) rate was 4.6%.The initial DR rate was 17.9% and initial MDR rate was 3.4%.The acquired DR rate was 44.0% and acquired MDR rate was 20.0%.Conclusion The prevalence of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Fujian province was lower than that of the average national level but higher than average international level,suggesting the necessity to strengthen the DR tuberculosis control program.


