

Influence of life behavior on hypertension prevalence among obesity people

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨不同生活方式对肥胖人群高血压患病风险的影响。方法 通过多级抽样方法,随机抽取天津市18~80岁社区居民21 951人,调查其生活方式及健康状况。结果 社区居民平均年龄为(47.5±15.8)岁,其中男性10 689人,占48.7%;女性11 262人,占51.3%;吸烟率为29.4%(6 446人),饮酒率为28.3%(6 203人),高血压现患率为22.0%(4 797人),超重与肥胖率分别为34.8%(7 642人)、10.0%(2 192人),被调查者高血压患病风险随BMI水平上升而增高;各种生活方式中吸烟、盐摄入>6 g/d者患病风险较高;超重、肥胖者在吸烟、饮酒、盐摄入>6 g/d、不积极运动的情况下更易患高血压。结论 虽然肥胖人群有较高的患高血压病风险,但如果能采取戒烟、限酒、低盐摄入和积极运动的健康生活方式,患病可能性将会降低。


    Abstract: Objective To investigate the influence of life bebavior on hypertension prevalence among community obesity people.Methods With multi-stage sampling,we sampled 21 951 community residents aged 18-80 years living in Tianjin randomly for a survey on their life behavior and health conditions.Results The average age of the residents was 47.5±15.8 years,with 48.7% of male and 51.3% of female.The proportions of smoker and alcohol drinker were 29.4% (6 446) and 28.3%(6 203).The prevalence of hypertension was 22.0% (4 797) and the prevalences of overweight and obesity were 34.8% (7 642) and 10.0% (2 192).The risk of hypertension increased with the increment of body mass index (BMI) and life behaviors such as smoking,high salt intake(> 6 g/d) promoted the risk among the residents.Under the condition of overw eight or obesity,the people of smoking,alcohol drinking,with salt intake of more then 6 g/d,and without active exercise were more likely to have hypertension.Conclusion Although obesity people have a higher risk of suffering from hypertension,they could low er the risk by taking healthy life behaviors such as quiting smoking,decreasing alcohol consumption,taking less salt,and more active exercises.


