

Development and reliability evaluation of a Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire

  • 摘要: 目的 编制适合中国孕妇使用的妊娠相关焦虑量表并对其进行信度评价.方法 通过查阅文献、小组访谈和专家咨询确定13个条目的初始量表;采用t检验、相关性分析、因子分析等方法联合条目筛选,对保留条目进行探索性因子分析,计算Cronbachα系数、Pearson相关系数和重测信度系数对量表信度进行评价.结果 采用t检验和逐步回归分析,所有项目均入选;采用相关系数法、主成分法、内部一致性分析,项目均通过,确定妊娠相关焦虑量表由13条项目组成;通过探索性因子分析,提取3个公因子,累积方差贡献率为51.6%,第1公因子为"关注自我",第2公因子为"担心胎儿健康",第3公因子为"担心分娩",方差贡献率分别为32.2%、10.5%、8.8%,其重测相关系数和Cronbachα系数分别为0.79和0.81.结论 初步完成妊娠相关焦虑量表的编制和信度评价工作,量表敏感、可信、有效.


    Abstract: Objective To develop and evaluate the reliability of a self-designed Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire.Methods The original questionnaire containing 13 items was developed based on literature review,focus group discussion,and expert advice.We combined numerous analytical methods to screen the items for the questionnaire including Student's-t test,correlation analysis,factor analysis,and other methods.The initial framework of the questionnaire was determined by exploratory factor analysis.The internal consistency reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient,test-retest stability,and Pearson correlation.Results The results of Student's-t test and stepwise regression analysis showed that the all items should be included in the model.Almost all items were adopted after performing correlation coefficient test,factor analysis,and internal consistency analysis.Based on the analyses,the initial questionnaire had 13 items.The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that 3 factors were extracted and the cumulative common variance was 51.6%.Factor 1 was self-care and explained 32.3% of the total variance; factor 2 was the anxiety for fetal health and explained 10.5% of the total variance; factor 3 was anxiety for child birth and explained 8.8% of the total variance.The test-retest reliability coefficient and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.79 and 0.81,respectively.Conclusion A Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire was developed and the questionnaire is reliable,valid,and sensitive.


