

Pathologic changes in trachea of rats exposed to PM2.5 artificial air pollution

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨大气污染物对大鼠气管的病理学改变。方法 通过制备大气混合污染物的动物模型,即实验大鼠气管注入大气可吸入颗粒物(PM2.5)混悬液及动态吸入SO2、NO2、CO的空气混合气,观测染毒不同时期大鼠气管和肺泡的超微结构变化。结果 大鼠气管扫描电镜观察可见,随着染尘染毒剂量的增高,气管上皮纤毛粘连、紊乱;PM2.5对大鼠肺组织的损害比对气管上皮的损害严重得多,中剂量PM2.5染尘染毒30 d,可使肺纤维增生,肺泡腔变小,高剂量PM2.5染尘染毒30 d,可使肺泡上皮细胞脱落溶解,大鼠气管和肺组织透射电镜观察可见,中剂量染尘染毒后1 d使肺泡上皮排列不规则;7 d肺泡上皮紧密连接消失;30 d肺泡上皮细胞溶解脱落。结论 大气污染物可引起大鼠气管纤毛的摆动功能减弱及丧失,导致其排出功能障碍。


    Abstract: Objective To explore the pathologic changes in trachea of rats exposed to air pollutants.Methods Eighty specific pathogens free(SPF) Wistar rats(180-200 g of weight) were randomly divided into control group and 3 treated groups(low,moderate,and high dose group).The rats in treated groups were exposed to total suspended particulates collected in industrial and traffic areas with portable sampler for particulate mass 2.5 μmin diameter(PM2.5) of 7.15,15 or 30 mg in 0.85% sodium chloride(NaCl) of 1ml by intratracheal instillation,and then were exposed to sulfur dioxide of 32,20,16 mg/m3 and nitrogen dioxide of 10,8,5 mg/m3 statically 4 hours per day for 7 days,respectively.One milliliter of 0.85% NaCl was instilled and general air was inhaled by the rats in control group.The changes of ultramicroscopic structure in trachea were observed under electron microscope.Results The adhesion,disturbance,lodge,and squamous metaplasia of cilia in tracheal epithelium and vacuolar degeneration in epithelium cells were observed.And the neonate ciliate epithelium was also observed.Conclusion Air pollutants may induce the decrease and loss of swing function,and the obstruction of discharging function of cilia in trachea of rats.


