

Nutritional status, self-evaluation of weight and unhealthy weight control behaviors among adolescent students in Tianjin

  • 摘要: 目的 了解天津市青少年营养状况、自我体重认知情况以及不健康减肥行为现状,为制定科学有效的干预措施提供理论依据。方法 2013年采用集体自填匿名问卷调查方法,对分层整群随机抽取的36所中学、6所大学的8 194名学生进行调查。结果 天津市青少年偏瘦、超重及肥胖发生率分别为11.53%、11.62%和6.52%,男生超重及肥胖发生率(15.59%、9.16%)明显高于女生(8.19%、4.23%);12岁年龄组学生肥胖率为13.88%,达各年龄组最高;大学阶段学生超重、肥胖率最低,分别为8.72%、2.78%;经济地区好的学生肥胖率(7.71%)最高,核心家庭学生肥胖率(6.38%)最低。多因素logistic 回归分析显示,性别、是否寄宿、喝饮料、吃甜点、吃快餐、经济水平、玩电子游戏是儿童超重肥胖发生的影响因素(均P<0.05)。51.76%的青少年存在体重认知偏移,消瘦青少年中有8.04% 认为体重偏重或很重,正常青少年中有37.64%认为体重偏重或很重,但超重和肥胖学生中分别有16.91%、26.77%没有正确认知自己的体重状况,差异有统计学意义(χ2=3 061.461,P=0.01)。在过去30 d,有22.80%的青少年为减肥或控制体重而锻炼,同时有21.19%采取不健康减肥行为,且随着体重增加发生不健康减肥行为的情况越严重(χ2趋势=41.086,P=0.000)。结论 天津市青少年消瘦、与超重肥胖情况并存,处于较高水平,部分青少年对自身体重没有正确认知,且存在不健康减肥行为。


    Abstract: Objective To study the nutritional status,cognition on self-evaluated weight and unhealthy weight control behaviors among adolescent students in Tianjin city and to provide evidences for effective intervention.Methods A self-administered anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among 8 194 students of 11-26 years old recruited with stratified cluster random sampling from 36 middle schools and 6 universities in Tianjin city in 2013.Results The rate of emaciation,overweight,and obesity among the students were 11.53%,11.62,and 6.52%,respectively.The rate of overweight and obesity were obviously higher among the boy students than among the girl students (15.59% vs.8.19% and 9.16% vs.4.23%).The highest rate of obesity (13.88%)was reported by the students aged 12 years and the lowest rate of overweight and obesity (8.72% and 2.78%)were reported by the college students.A higher obesity rate (7.71%)was reported by the students from regions with better economic condition and a lower obesity rate was reported by the students from nuclear families.The results of the multivariate conditional logistic regression analysis showed that gender,whether being a boarding student,consumption of soft drinks,dessert eating behavior,fast food eating behavior,familial economic condition,and whether playing video games were influence factors of overweight and obesity among the students (P<0.05 for all).Of all the students,51.76% had biased cognition on their weight;of the students with emaciation and normal weight,8.04% and 37.64% perceived their weight as heavier or very heavy;whereas,of the students with overweight and obesity,16.91% and 26.77% had incorrect cognition on their weight,with a significant difference (χ2=3 061.461,P=0.01).In the survey,there were 22.80% of the students reporting having physical exercise to lose or control weight during the previous 30 days and 21.19% reporting taking unhealthy activities to lose weight;the reported prevalence of unhealthy behavior for losing weight was positively related to the increment of weight (χ2trend=3 061.461,P=0.01).Conclusion Emaciation,overweight and obesity are prevalent at a relative high level concurrently and there are biased cognition on self- perceived weight and unhealthy behavior for losing weight among adolescent students in Tianjin.


