

Seroepidemiological Study of TORCH Infections in Pregnant Women

  • 摘要: 采用ELISA方法测定TORCHIgG和IgM抗体.结果本地区孕妇TORCH总感染率为73%,其中Tox、RV、CMV和HSV的感染率分别为17.1%、72.2%、60.3%和60.7%;IgM的阳性率分别为1.4%、2.3%、3.2%和1.4%.结论:本调查表明:TORCH病原体中,仅有Tox和CMV与孕妇年龄、孕次和流产史有密切关系,年龄越大、孕次和流产次数越多,Tox和CMV阳性率越高.提示Tox与CMV的感染与流产有关.


    Abstract: ASeroepidemiological study of TORCH infections in pregnant women was performed,sera from 234 pregnant women were collected.They ware tested for antibody to Toxoplasama gondii(Tox)Ig G and IgM.Cytomegalovirus(CMV)IgG and IgM.Rubella virus(RV)IgG and IgM.Herpes Simplex Virus(HSV) Ig G and IgM by ELISA.The positive rates among pregnant women for Tox,CMV,RV and HSVIg G were 17.1%,72.2%,60.3% and 60.7% respectively and positive rates for Tox,CMV,RV and HSVIgM were 1.4%,2.3%,3.2% and 1.4% respectively.These results indicated that it is necessary for fertile women to carry out rabella Vaccination,and appropriate recommendations for prevention and control of congenital infection are suggested.


